Menopause Webinar with Marilyn Glenville - 21st October 2021
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Join Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD for the Online Webinar :
Thursday 21st October
7pm - 8:30pm
Are you worried about the menopause, concerned about the side effects of HRT and want to learn how to prevent and treat osteoporosis naturally?
Learn how to boost your energy, improve your health, eliminate night sweats and hot flushes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, headaches, aching joints, ageing skin, loss of confidence and self-esteem, memory changes and lack of concentration, sleep problems, joint pains and increase your sex drive.
Is soya good or bad?
Find out the truth about ‘natural’ bioidentical and body identical hormones.
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear and see Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, the UK’s
leading nutritionist specialising in women’s health.
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear and see Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, the UK’s
leading nutritionist specialising in women’s health.
This live webinar is a breakthrough approach to the menopause: giving you choice, control and freedom. Dr Glenville will cover:
What happens at the menopause and the different symptoms you might
What is the perimenopause which can start in your 40s
The pros and cons of HRT will be discussed and the use of bioidentical/body
identical hormones
Find out what vitamins and minerals are important as you go through this
stage in your life and which herbs can be helpful to combat the symptoms
Discover the best way to eat during the menopause and how to protect your
bone health as you get older.
What are phytoestrogens and are they a good food to eat and how can you
tell which ones are not
The balance of acid and alkaline will be discussed and how it can affect your
risk of osteoporosis
Exploding the myths about dairy foods, which ones are not good for your
The best exercise for prevention of osteoporosis will be covered
Find out what tests you should be having at this stage in your life.
As a woman, you can now live to up to 30 to 50 years past the menopause - a good
long while! With such a promising stretch of years ahead of you it is good to know
what you can do to keep yourself healthy both physically and mentally.
Dr Glenville will be joined by Lynne Dalton who is an experienced nutritionist with
Glenville Nutrition in Ireland and is a personal tutor and lecturer with the Institute of Health Sciences. The Glenville Nutrition Ireland team in Dublin and Galway help patients with many different health issues, including menopause, osteoporosis, digestive health, hormone health, immunity support and fertility. Lynne will be presenting a Menopause Case Study.
There will be time for questions and answers in this webinar which will also be
recorded so you can watch it again at your convenience.